C/ Llacuna 162-164 | 08018 Barcelona          info@amalfianalytics.com

Territorial analysis and management

Territorial analysis and management. In order to implement health policies and programmes, health agencies and territorial planners must be able to understand and explain patient flows in the territory. With traditional analysis methods, these tasks require a very high investment of resources and time, and therefore end up being carried out only on an ad hoc basis.

Amalfi Analytics’ ALOE allows managers and planners to quickly detect unusual or unregistered patient flows and discover patterns for each group, so they can allocate resources efficiently and develop programmes based on real and meaningful data.

ALOE helps to identify health resource needs in the territory and does so continuously. It allows the planning and ordering of resources on a regular basis.

ALOE shows an instant visualization of differential patterns of patients depending on the area of attention. It shows alerts of anomalies in the mobility of patients within the territory.

ALOE offers a visualization of disease associations to understand the behavior of different groups of patients.

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Icona Localització oficines Amalfi C/ Llacuna 162-164 08018 Barcelona
Icona contacte per mail Amalfi info@amalfianalytics.com
Icona contacte telèfon Amalfi (+34) 936 636 314


Amalfi Analytics is able to develop better products thanks to the support of ACCIÓ, CDTI and ENISA.