Absenteeism predictor

ARUM – Absenteeism predictor, uses innovative Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms to analyse absence data and predict future absences, so that preventive measures can be taken to improve HR planning and significantly reduce costs.

It is a tool that offers predictions on absenteeism by professional category, speciality and place of work. With ARUM you will be able to know the necessary coverage of your staff by days and weeks, for better planning and by quarters or semesters for recruitment management.

The reduction of absenteeism requires a correct planning that allows staff to work with less stress and improve their wellbeing.


  • Anticipation of coverage.
  • Reduction of administrative workload.
  • Reduction of absenteeism.
  • Reduction of accidents.
  • Model adapted to the organisation.
  • Monitoring of absenteeism progress.
  • Reduction of expenses.


  • Multicentre: ARUM can be installed in different centres, at group or territorial level.
  • Easy to interpret and visualise, with clear and intuitive command panels.
  • Filters available for all the variables of the organisation’s data.
  • Daily monitoring and updating.
  • Possibility of integration with other tools.
  • Always up to date.
  • Guaranteed data protection, in accordance with current legislation (including the EU’s RGPD).
  • Deployment as SaaS.

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